It was very windy day during that beach session. It was hard to keep my camera still although we had a wonderful time together. I love photographing children.

24 October 2011


One week ago was my Gaby's 2 birthday. This was a great reason for an outdoor session.

25 September 2011


My son  loves playing on the beach.

First event we have seen to after our arrrival to Australia was Festival of the Winds.
It was amazing not only for children because of many attractions but also for adults.

24 July 2011

Children and a kite

A windy day is a perfect day for flying a kite

18 July 2011

Krzyś i Gabi

The Summer in a city is very hot. So, we have decided to take our children to the park, where we could hide under trees.

15 July 2011


My Gaby loves to be a model.

08 July 2011


I have met Staś and his mother in a park. I've taken couple of photos of this little gentelman.

Sesja Gabrysi była zrobiona w Ogrodzie Botanicznym, który często odwiedzamy. Wiosną jest szczególnie piękny! Gabrysia to moja córka i ją najczęściej fotografuję.

Na koniec jeszcze Gabrysia ze swoim braciszkiem  5 letnim Krzysiem. To zdjęcie zrobiłam podczas naszej pierwszej, wiosennej wycieczki do Ogrodu. Dzieci w  rączkach mają pluszowe kotki, które dostały od taty.